At R&B Industrial we are unique in being able to design, manufacture, supply and install fully compliant and cost effective ATEX wood dust collectors and ATEX wood dust extraction systems.
You must consider whether your wood dust extraction system needs to be ATEX rated, and to what degree. It is crucial this is done at the specification stage to ensure the system isn’t made unnecessarily complex or costly. Many thousands of pounds can be wasted needlessly with the incorrect design.
All wood dusts, are considered flammable, however fine wood dust (generally less than 200 micron) could pose a significant explosion risk. link to HSE WIS32
‘Many workplaces may contain, or have activities that produce, explosive or potentially explosive atmospheres. Examples include places where work activities create or release flammable gases or vapours, such as vehicle paint spraying, or in workplaces handling fine organic dusts such as grain flour or wood’. HSE.
In many instances we can carry out a simple dust sieve test to establish the amount of fine dusts extracted, which then helps to determine whether the dust is just flammable & / or potentially explosive. We can determine the types of ATEX & fire protection & control measures required, for the most cost effective solution.
Unlike our competitors we include an initial system ATEX / DSEAR risk assessments for each proposal, ensuring that we provide ATEX dust extraction systems compliant with all the relevant regulations & standards, DSEAR. The following standards are specific to wood dust extraction:
- EN_16770_2018 (indoor wood dust collectors)
- EN_12779_2015 (outdoor wood dust collectors)
For fine explosive wood dusts, with our close contacts with explosion testing laboratories and access to various explosion testing databases, we are often able to determine the explosive properties of typical types of wood-dust without further expensive testing. This information is crucial for determining the correct ATEX protection & control measures required.
It must then be insured that the correct ATEX rated equipment is specified / installed, that meets all necessary standards & requirements. ATEX wood dust collectors will probably have:
- Suitably strengthened dust collector body, and collection bins, to withstand the initial explosion overpressure. ATEX rotary valves may be required.
- Antistatic filters
- Explosion relief, venting to safe area
- ATEX Non-return, Backdraft Valve / Damper, together with strengthened ductwork
- Safety shut-down system, including isolation of fan / cleaning system etc., with more complex systems we can carry out design of control & safety system in compliance with EN 13849-1.
- earth bonding of all necessary components

Note some of the above may not be necessary dependent upon size of unit, processes being carried out & initial DSEAR risk assessment.
In many instances additional controls are required for ATEX wood dust extraction systems, such as:
- Spark arrestors within ductwork
- Suitably designed Explosion deflection systems
- Robust airflow monitoring
- Powder dosing / inerting systems
- In-duct Spark ember detection & Water deluge systems
- Automatic or manual Water deluge or Powder suppression systems with dust collector
- Automatic systems maybe triggered by increases in temperature, carbon dioxide & / or hot ember / spark detection systems
- Particulate sensors for the extractor emissions
- Flameless venting solutions
- Explosion suppression systems.
- Return air to workplace with appropriate ‘non-return dampers’
In addition to the above design services we can also provide full Hazardous Area Classification Drawings for the installation, together with the testing / inspection by competent persons, prior to going into operation. This is required for DSEAR compliance.
For more complex systems we have our own in-house ATEX & process safety Engineers, able to carry out Failure mode & Effect Analysis, to ensure safe design of your ATEX wood dust extraction systems.
We can also supply industrial ATEX vacuum units for appropriate ON-TOOL extraction where required. Link to ATEX vacuum units / web-shop etc
It is worth noting that with a well-designed system, with appropriate controls it may be possible to reduce your zoned area or even remove the need for it, which may save many 10’s or even 100’s of thousands of pounds. Link to reducing / removing potential explosive atmospheres page